Before you start
To get the most from this tutorial, you should be comfortable constructing Android applications using the Android SDK. On completion, you will have learned how to perform application-to-web server communications with HTTP(S) and how to parse XML with the DOM parser. Along the way, you will create custom and dynamic user interface layouts, multi-threaded communications, message handlers, and progress dialogs. You’ll also learn about AndroidManifest.xml and server-side scripting.
About this tutorial
This tutorial introduces an architecture for dynamic forms for mobile data collection on Android devices. It begins with a high-level architecture and discussion of where such an application fits in the larger context of data collection. You’ll take a sneak peek at the completed project, including every source file, to give you a roadmap to where the tutorial is taking you. In cooking-show fashion, you’ll build the application from the ground up, with each Java class carefully introduced and

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