Date: 2023-July-19Description: Reminder: As we get ready for the End-of-life (EOL) of Drupal 7 in January 2025, changes are coming to the Drupal 7 ecosystem.
Drupal 7 branches of unsupported modules and themes will no longer be eligible for new maintainership
Community support for contributed modules and themes will continue as it has to date. However, beginning August 1, 2023, once the Drupal 7 branch of a contributed module or theme is marked unsupported, it will not be eligible for new maintainership and will not be marked supported again.
This will occur if an existing maintainer marks the module or theme unsupported, or if the Security Team marks it unsupported for lack of response. If there are Drupal 7 modules or themes that you or your clients rely on, then we strongly encourage you to proactively adopt these projects.
The Drupal Security Team will not issue security advisories for any unsupported third-party libraries

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