“Predating even Toy Story, ReBoot was the first 3D animated television show,” writes longtime Slashdot reader sandbagger, sharing a new report from Global News. “The master tapes have been located in storage but the hardware needed to play the 1990s-era media has yet to be located.” From the report: Produced in Vancouver by Mainframe Entertainment, it aired on YTV between 1994 and 2001, and decades later still has a committed fan base. Among those super fans are Jacob Weldon and Raquel Lin, a B.C. duo now crafting a documentary about the creation of the show and its impact in the film and TV world. Weldon said he wants to see ReBoot recognized for its place in the evolution of computer animation — recognition he said it rarely gets.
When ReBoot was finally cancelled — cut short in its fourth and final season — its protagonists were left in peril and