Guest post by Christopher Collins, Research & Emerging Technologies Librarian, Western New England University School of Law
I’ve recently returned from the AALL Leadership Academy in Chicago. I’d like to share some of my impressions and why you might consider attending. I will also remind you that there is funding to attend.
First, know what the Leadership Academy isn’t. I wish I could tell you that they induct attendees into a secret society, a cadre quietly ruling the law library world from the shadows. But I can’t. Whether I can’t tell you because we truly were inducted into said secret society, resulting in a blood oath to secrecy, or merely whether such an induction never happened, I’ll let the discerning reader decide. But despite not being issued library directorships (or better yet, dictatorships) upon completion, attendees will find much of value to take home and incorporate into their professional lives.
So if the

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