Instead of “handmade” and “vintage,” Etsy created four new classifications for sellers on the site: “made by,” “designed by,” “handpicked by,” and “sourced by.” In order for products to be sold on Etsy, they’ll now need to fall into one of these four categories. The Verge reports: Vintage items — a backbone of Etsy’s offerings — will fall under “handpicked by,” though these items will also have “vintage” labels on product listings. Craft supplies like beads or clay are considered “sourced by.” A vase handmade by a ceramics artist would be in the “made by” category, whereas a digital illustration would be considered “designed by” the seller. These categories will be visible on Etsy product listings. The company says that this won’t change anything in practice — things that were previously prohibited, like the reselling of items made by someone else, still won’t be allowed under the new policy.


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