WordPress sites are being compromised through malicious plugins that display fake software updates and error messages, leading to the installation of information-stealing malware. BleepingComputer reports: Since 2023, a malicious campaign called ClearFake has been used to display fake web browser update banners on compromised websites that distribute information-stealing malware. In 2024, a new campaign called ClickFix was introduced that shares many similarities with ClearFake but instead pretends to be software error messages with included fixes. However, these “fixes” are PowerShell scripts that, when executed, will download and install information-stealing malware.

Last week, GoDaddy reported that the ClearFake/ClickFix threat actors have breached over 6,000 WordPress sites to install malicious plugins that display the fake alerts associated with these campaigns. “The GoDaddy Security team is tracking a new variant of ClickFix (also known as ClearFake) fake browser update malware that is distributed via bogus WordPress plugins,” explains GoDaddy security researcher Denis Sinegubko.

Link to original post https://it.slashdot.org/story/24/10/22/0415228/over-6000-wordpress-hacked-to-install-plugins-pushing-infostealers?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed from Teknoids News

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