Preparation for law school final exams is crucial, as these exams often determine a significant portion of a student’s final grade and can impact career opportunities. Law exams require more than memorization; they test students’ ability to analyze complex fact patterns, apply legal principles, and make persuasive arguments under time constraints. In conjunction with several Academic Success professionals, CALI offers multiple CALI Lessons on exam preparation.

Exams – Preparing and Attacking

Legal Writing v. Exam Writing (LSS24)
Practice Makes Prepared: Discussion in Law School Success Podcast (LSS64P)
Attacking Exams (LSS19)
Outlining Basics (LSS17)
Why Outlining Should Be Called Synthesizing: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS53P)
Creating Study Aids (LSS02)
Reading Comprehension Strategies for Exams (LSS23) (Includes video commentary from the author)
Issue Spotting (LSS12)
Hyped about Hypos (LSS25)
Analysis 2: The “A” in IRAC: Application and Analysis (LSS06)
Analysis 3: Using Your Facts (LSS58) (Includes video commentary from the

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