The EFF has complained that in general “smart” products for babies “collect a ton of information about you and your baby on an ongoing basis”. (For this year’s “worst in privacy” product at CES they chose a $1,200 baby bassinet equipped with a camera, a microphone, and a radar sensor…)
But today the Washington Post reported on a $1,700 bassinet that surprised the mother of a one-month-old when it “abruptly demanded money for a feature she relied on to soothe her baby to sleep.”
The internet-connected bassinet… reliably comforted her 1-month-old — just as it had her first child — until it started charging $20 a month for some abilities, including one that keeps the bassinet’s motion and sounds at one level all night. The level-lock feature previously was available without a fee. “It all felt really intrusive — like they went into our bedroom and clawed back this feature that