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Robin Sloan’s “Moonbound”: A solarpunk road-trip novel set 11,000 years in the future.

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Robin Sloan’s “Moonbound” (permalink)
Robin Sloan has a well-deserved reputation as a sparkly, fizzy writer, the kind of person who can tell a smart/smartass story infused with fantasy-genre whimsy but grounded in high-tech, contemporary settings (think here of Charlie Jane Anders’ gorgeous All the Birds In the Sky):

Charlie Jane Anders’s All the Birds in the Sky: smartass, soulful novel

In Moonbound, a new, wildly ambitious solarpunk novel published today by Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, Sloan moves out of his usual, daffy, high-tech/high-weird Bay Area milieu and catapults us 11,000 years into the future, to a world utterly transformed and utterly fascinating:
Moonbound’s protagonist is a “chronicler,” a symbiotic

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