A post shared Saturday on social media acknowledges those admins and developers at the Internet Archive working “literally round the clock… They have taken no days off this past week. They are taking none this weekend… they are working with all of their energy and considerable talent.”

It describes people “working so incredibly hard… putting their all in,” with a top priority of “getting the site back secure and safe”.

But there’s new and continuing problems, reports The Verge’s weekend editor:

Early this morning, I received an email from “The Internet Archive Team,” replying to a message I’d sent on October 9th. Except its author doesn’t seem to have been the digital archivists’ support team — it was apparently written by the hackers who breached the site earlier this month and who evidently maintain some level of access to its systems.
I’m not alone. Users on the Internet Archive subreddit are

Link to original post https://it.slashdot.org/story/24/10/20/1733227/internet-archive-users-start-receiving-email-from-some-random-guy-criticizing-unpatched-hole?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed from Teknoids News

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