It was predictable that the co-presidency of Donald Trump and Elon Musk would eventually face a backlash. After all, Trump’s entire campaign was built on fantasy promises — like lowering grocery prices on day one of the Administration – that he had no way and no plans to honor. Moreover, the Administration’s actual policy agenda manages to be both deeply unpopular and economically destructive.Even so, I admit that I am surprised at how quickly the backlash has developed. Republican members of Congress, rather than face angry denunciations by their constituents, have stopped holding town halls in their home districts. Tesla dealerships across the country are beset by protests, and in some cases vandalism. Fox News and the Wall Street Journal have both turned critical as the economy and the stock market rapidly deteriorate.Notably, America’s oligarchs have been slow to wake up and smell the outrage. Until very recently most CEOs

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